Lecture Scheduling Using Genetic Algorithm Method
Lecture scheduling at a university is a very important element, because it determines the progress of the lecture activity process. At the Indonesian Digital Technology University, the lecture scheduling process still uses Microsoft Excel, this is considered less than optimal because it takes a relatively long time, the process is long and requires a high level of accuracy, which is something that often becomes an obstacle in the scheduling process. The genetic algorithm is an algorithm that can be used to solve problems on a large scale and with a high level of complexity, such as lecture scheduling. Genetic algorithms have advantages over other optimization methods, namely that genetic algorithms can optimize problems with complex problems and a very wide search space. There are several stages in a genetic algorithm, namely: initial population initialization, fitness evaluation, selection, crossover and mutation. The results of this research show that scheduling lectures using the genetic algorithm method results in faster and more accurate results, because the process is carried out by the program by finding the best solution from each generation iteration and the process will stop when the required solution is obtained. Meanwhile, scheduling lectures using MS Excel takes longer because it is done manually with the help of the VLOOKUP formula and requires a high level of accuracy so that there are no conflicting lecture schedules. From the test results, using Python software with a genetic algorithm takes 0.609356 seconds with an accuracy level of 100%. Meanwhile, testing using MS Excel with VLOOKUP takes around 20 minutes with an accuracy rate of 95%.
Keywords— Scheduling, Lectures, Genetic Algorithm
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26798/jiss.v3i2.1501
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