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Journal History

Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer was first established on February 20, 2016, as well as first published by Puslit and PPM STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta.Chairman of the editor (Editor in Chief) when it is Dr. Enny Itje Sela ,S.Si,. M. Kom.

At that time, the JIKO has been published in print and online. In 2017 carried out the change journal management structure, in which the chief editor transferred to the Ariesta Damayanti, S.Kom., M.Cs until now. Starting in 2016 ISSN JIKO began to have both in print and online. JIKO also been applying their selection of articles using a double-blind review to improve the quality of the article, which is done by the reviewers who already have experience writing both as a writer first, correspondents, as well as members of both publications such as journals and proceedings. Good reputable international publications indexed Scopus, accreditation, and national levels. In addition to the reviewer of a researcher also from an expert in the field, researchers from companies, and government agencies. More than 90% of reviewers are from outside our institution. In 2016, the journal that we manage still semi electronics, due to the delivery of the articles and reviews have been made using the medium of email. But in 2017, we manage the JIKO has been fully electronically both from the author who delivers online through OJS (Open Journal System), a review conducted in full through OJS, until the publication of the article.

JIKO indexed in Google Scholar, IPI (Indonesian Publication Index) and ISJD. JIKO in Desember 2017 has passed registration to Crossref members, so this year every article has had DOI (Document of Index). Since December 2018, JIKO has acredited from Kemenristek Dikti in fourth rank.

New JIKO templates are brighter, more informative for JIKO readers, and easier to cite. Last Update on 20 December 2023

Starting from the issue of  Volume 8, JIKO uses the latest template.  This template will provide better information for readers and will guide readers in synthesizing articles from JIKO.

JIKO very recommends using LaTex in preparing your articles, although we still accept the use of docx templates with a number of conditions. Prepare your article well. Make sure your article is worthy for us to publish.