Investigasi Bukti Digital Aplikasi Wechat Menggunakan Framework Integrated Digital Forensics Proses Model (IDFPM) Berbasis SNI 27037:2014

Soni Soni


Social media is an alternative means of communication on smartphones, as many as 28% of the WeChat instant messenger application is used as a social interaction for the delivery of messages by senders and recipients, Cyberbullying on the WeChat application results in intimidation by users, so to deal with the crime of Cyberbullying applications WeChat on Smartphones requires a Mobile Forensic technique to identify digital evidence of verbal conversations on the WeChat application using the Framework Integrated Digital Forensics Process Model (IDFPM) method based on SNI 27037: 2014 which is carried out on Smartphones. WeChat application which was previously encrypted and hashing values of md5 and sha1 are authentic, as well as metadata or timestamp in the WeChat application conversation messages using the Mobileedit Forensic Express Tools, and successfully implemented Frame Work Integrated Digital Forensic Process Model (IDFPM) based on SNI 27037: 2014 on the forensic investigation process using Android Smartphone media.


Cyberbullying, WeChat, Mobile Forensics, Framework (IDFPM) based on SNI 27037: 2014


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JIKO (Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer)

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